Heart Attack Victims 'Should Indulge In Sexual Activity' (VIDEO Post-Coital Emergencies)

More Sex = Healthy Heart?

You know the (film) scene.

Man enthusiastically makes love before keeling over post-coital from a heart attack. It happened to Mad Men’s advertising boss Roger Sterling and even Downton Abbey’s Lady Mary (whose lovemaking was so explosive, her partner’s ticker gave up).

However, although it’s a reoccurring plot we’re all familiar with - the idea can knock mens' confidence in the bedroom, a recent study has suggested.

A recent study noted that nearly half of male heart attack patients leave hospital unsure as to whether sex is safe - which results in a sharp decline in their sex lives.

However, heart health experts assure us that sex after a heart attack is safe.

“Often, after a heart attack people become much healthier than they've been for years," explains Dr Mike Knapton from the British Heart Foundation.

"They give up smoking, eat much more wisely and take exercise. Returning to a full and active sex life for someone who is feeling well is very much part of the normal recovery process.”

WATCH Famous Post-Coital Heart Attack Scenes (Please note explicit nature of content)

According to mature dating website Ffifty.com, clients admit that health worries can add to the emotional strain of starting a new relationship later in life and make sex seem quite daunting.

"Starting a new relationship second time around can be an intimidating prospect as it is, so taking things to the next level in terms of intimacy and sex can throw up further feelings of anxiety," Christine Webber, a psychologist from the website told HuffPost Lifestyle.

"The chances of having a heart attack during sex are very small and should not put people off embracing a new and thrilling period in their life."

Negotiating your way round the bedroom can be rather challenging for those who are somewhat 'out of practice'.

These helpful tips, on how to initiate and enjoy great sex (while keeping your heart healthy) could be life savers!

  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are not just a problem for young people, so make sure you take the necessary precautions.
  • Choose proper and effective lubricants - to help things along a little. Try and ensure lubricants are natural if possible as the ingredients are less likely to cause irritation or side effects.
  • Spare enough time for foreplay and stimulating acts, touching, kissing and massaging intimate parts shall be given more importance to increase pleasure.
  • Keep mind and body fresh. Walking, meditation and breathing exercises are very useful in keeping heart, respiratory system and digestion healthy to maintain physical and mental health.
  • Relax: the more you tense up the less likely it is things will run smoothly.

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