Postal Worker Replies To Three-Year-Old's Letters To His Dead Dog

Three-Year-Old Gets Replies To Letters For His Dead Dog From Mystery Writer

A mother has told the heartwarming tale of how a postal worker responded to her son's letters to his dead dog.

Mary Architzel Westbrook and her son, Luke, wrote to their beloved beagle Moe after he passed away in April. Mary put the letters, addressed to "Moe Westbook, Doggie Heaven, Cloud 1," in her mailbox.

She would collect the letters every night when Luke had gone to bed, but on one occasion she forgot. When she returned to the mailbox in the morning the letter was gone.

Two weeks later, Mary found an unstamped envelope in her mailbox. The return address simple said: "From Moe."

The note read: "I'm in doggie heaven. I play all day. I am happy. Thank you 4 being my friend. I wuv you Luke."

Mary wrote in an essay for Distinction Magazine: "Receiving the note reminded me of the goodness of people and just how big a small gesture can really be."
