EU Referendum Debate Turns Hairy: 'Vote Leave' Chief Mocked By Scots After 'Sex Slang' Mix Up

Brexit Campaigner Given Swift Lesson In Scottish Slang For Genitals

A prominent 'Brexit' campaigner has been mocked by Scots who confused his attack on rival pro-EU activists with a slang word used to refer to a woman's genitals.

Jon Moynihan, a board member of 'Vote Leave', accused 'In' activists of clutching at straws by neglecting to make a positive case for Britain remaining in the 28-nations block.

Instead, he argued on Tuesday's 'Today' programme, they were "trying to create FUD — fear, uncertainty and doubt".

But the term confused many, with social media users north of the border forced to clue Moynihan up on its use as a slang word meaning "vagina".

Twitter users were forced to step in, first to clarify that Moynihan's line of attack may not have its intended impact among Scottish voters, then to mock his choice of word.


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