
Caryn Franklin

Fashion Commentator and Co-founder of All Walks Beyond the Catwalk

Former fashion editor and co-editor of i-D Magazine in the eighties, Caryn Franklin has been a fashion commentator for 29 years. She presented the BBC’s Clothes Show for 12 years and BBC’s Style Challenge for 3 years as well as producing and presenting numerous documentaries for ITV and various other programmes. She has written for many magazines and newspapers and has 4 books to her name including a novel.

Working in education throughout her career and an ardent fashion activist, she has co-chaired Fashion Targets Breast Cancer for 15 years; is Ambassador of the London College of Fashion, Centre of Sustainability; and co founded the award winning All Walks Beyond the Catwalk. This ground-breaking initiative is devoted to broadening the range of beauty we see in our media as well as changing the way fashion is taught in college and university. All Walks is

endorsed by Govt. Minister Lynne Featherstone and psychoanalyst Susie Orbach amongst others.

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