
If you've been wondering all of this time, we have the answer for you.
Firstly, not all types of processed food are created equal. Secondly, here's how to know when you may be eating too much of it.
Nearly 1 in 4 of us are avoiding gluten. Without a health diagnosis, is it really necessary?
It’s hard to imagine that fruit juice is nutritionally on par with Coca-Cola. But ... is it? Here's what experts say.
What you eat after a workout is essential for keeping you going for the rest of the day.
It’s not just alcohol and tomato sauce that can trigger symptoms. G.I. docs share the more surprising things you eat that can lead to heartburn.
If you play by a few rules, this could work out very well for you.
An 8-ounce serving contains roughly 20 grams of sugar, equivalent to nearly 5 teaspoons.
Science shows a direct connection between diet and inflammatory arthritis. Here’s how you can craft your meals to promote healing, not hurting.
It's the most important meal of the day, but when is the best time to eat breakfast?