It's day four of BlackBerry's communication breakdown and while services are slowly coming back online, the network, owned by RIM is still not full operational.
In a statement last night, RIM said "...there are still some delays and services levels may still vary amongst customers. Our global teams are continuing to work as quickly as possible to restore full and consistent service across all regions."
The Guardian has reported that people have lost work because of the service outage
Robin Bienfait, Chief Information Officer, RIM said in a statement: "I want to first apologise for the service interruptions and delays many of you have been experiencing this week. I also wanted to connect with you directly, give you an update on the service issues we are trying to solve, and answer some of the questions and concerns you've expressed."
The company say services are slowly coming back online in all territories. The reason for the outage was given yesterday as dual failure of a power switch and failure of the back-up system. Although the system is designed to failover to a back-up switch, the failover did not function as previously tested.
In a week of silence from the operator, this was the first communication from a company leader. Alistair Campbell @campbellclaret, Blair's former king of spin, and a man used to managing a crisis tweeted "@UK_Blackberry WTF is going on and when will it end and why has your handling plan been so woefuk?" His spelling, though unintentional, was apt given the general frustration at the company.
More updates will be added as they become available.