More Hot Weather Forecast For Weekend As October Looks Set To Be Warmer Than Summer

Autumn Heatwave - Barbecue Weather Forecast For Weekend

This October will be hotter than our damp squib of a summer say forecasters, as they predict a near-heatwave in Britain on the weekend.

Technically it will not meet the Met Office's criteria for an actual heatwave, but sunshine lovers are unlikely to notice as the unseasonally warm weather will be a welcome delay to the winter chill.

On Thursday, the temperature reached 21C and it will stay that high into the weekend.

Temperatures are set to plummet from Monday, but Sunday will still be warm if a little cloudy. Heavy showers are set for next week, meaning this weekend will surely be the last chance for alfresco dining and outdoor activities before winter sets in and the thermals come out.

Britain's Indian Summer has proved record-breaking. The first two weeks of this month have seen the hottest weather for early October for 350 years.


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