News International executive chairman James Murdoch is preparing for a make-or-break appearance before Parliament as he returns for his second grilling by a Commons committee investigating the phone-hacking scandal.
Mr Murdoch will come under intense pressure to explain apparent discrepancies between evidence he gave the Culture, Media and Sport Committee earlier this year and the accounts later given by witnesses including News International's former top lawyer.
His position as anointed heir to father Rupert as head of the global media conglomerate News Corp may depend on his performance, with shareholders increasingly restive about his handling of allegations of corruption at the News of the World.
He will be challenged over his claim, when he appeared before the committee alongside his father in July, that he was not informed that hacking at the News International-owned tabloid went beyond a single "rogue reporter".
MPs are also likely to quiz him about allegations that reporters at his company's papers paid the police for information, following the arrest last week of Sun reporter Jamie Pyatt.
And he will face fierce questioning about the claims of private investigator Derek Webb that he was hired by the now-defunct News of the World to carry out surveillance on prominent figures including Princes William and Harry, former attorney general Lord Goldsmith and the parents of Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe.
Also on the list of 153 people allegedly targeted were lawyers representing phone-hacking victims and the Culture Committee's most dogged interrogator, Labour MP Tom Watson. News International acknowledged earlier this week that surveillance of solicitors Mark Lewis and Charlotte Harris was "deeply inappropriate", but the company has not yet commented on Mr Webb's other claims.
In his first appearance before the Culture Committee on July 19, James Murdoch defended the company's previous stance that hacking at the paper was limited to "rogue reporter" Clive Goodman, who was jailed in 2007 with private investigator Glenn Mulcaire.
He insisted that an internal inquiry at the time found no proof of a wider culture of phone-hacking, and that he only learnt of allegations that other journalists were involved in 2010, when a series of celebrities launched civil actions.
However, his testimony was immediately contradicted by Tom Crone and Colin Myler, the former legal affairs manager and editor at the News of the World, whose evidence in September prompted the committee to recall Mr Murdoch.