Xbox 360 Live Launches Social TV

Xbox 360 Live Launches Social TV

The rules of life online are that everything must be shared.

Facebook friends know what Spotify track you're listening to, and which Guardian article you read while Twitter tracks your every meal and hunger pang.

Now Xbox 360 Live makes television social, with Facebook updates and "Beacons" for every programme you watch through the new Xbox update that launches tomorrow.

Pause, play and share TV shows from Sky, Channel 4, Channel 5, LOVEFiLM, YouTube and in 2012, the BBC.

If your friends are too lazy to gather in one place, activate a grandstand feature that means you can comment and cheer together during sports events.

Yelling at the TV is a joy for many a sports fan, so Xbox have integrated yelling technology into the entire Xbox Kinect system.

Much like voice-activated Apple assistant Siri, the Kinect responds to every request. Want to find all the movies Zach Galifianakis has starred in? Yell at the Xbox, or talk, if you're less dramatic, and they'll pop up.

Wave your hands at the screen to start films - Minority Report-style - or if you must, you can navigate the new system with a remote control.

Xbox's new social TV system follows Zeebox's social TV app released in November. Zeebox delivers a deep social TV experience, with in-built Twitter and Facebook updates, in-depth information on your show of choice and real-time popularity ratings for each show.


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