YouTube Video Shows Uzbeks Taking A Tumble On Escalators

WATCH: Uzbek Escalator Foxes Users

Here's a YouTube video of what appears to be a number of people in Uzbekistan trying - and failing - to negotiate a new escalator.

But while seeing people trip over and tumble about the place will always appeal to an innate part of our comedic subconscious - see also: 2011's most fail-filled YouTube clips - it appears that not all is as it seems.

Initially, it's funny because it appears that they aren't used to escalators - and so stepping on to one for the first time is a slightly daunting experience.

But as a couple of YouTube commenters have pointed out, the handrail looks like it's out of sync with the stairs themselves.

And we think they're probably right. But what do you guys reckon: are we watching a You've Got Framed moment, or a mechanical failure in action? Let us know in the comment box below...


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