Tumbleweed Supercut Is The Perfect Thing To Send Your Unfunny Friend

WATCH: The Ultimate Tumbleweed Moment

You know that feeling? That feeling when someone's made a really terrible joke and no-one's found it funny? This is that feeling, in supercut form.

Showing tumbleweeds blowing through TV, film and cartoon-land, this appropriately titled YouTube clip - "Tumbleweeds", would you believe it - was commissioned by the Columbus Museum of Art.

Trust them Ohioans to love them some tumbleweeds, eh?

Inadvertently creating the ultimate put-down video for whenever "that guy" in your office says something jaw-droppingly unfunny, we here at Huffington Post UK comedy predict a minor viral hit as every man and his incredibly bored dog forwards this one on and on and on.

Much like a tumbleweed, really.

Hmm. Is this thing on? Hello? Hello?


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