Daniel Radcliffe: 'I Don't Speak To Rupert Grint'

'I Don't Speak To Rupert'

Harry Potter fans will be shocked to hear that wizard duo Harry Potter and Ron Weasley rarely speak to each other in real life.

Despite spending more than 10 years filming the fantasy franchise together, Daniel Radcliffe says he is far from close buddies with Rupert Grint.

Promoting his new film The Woman in Black this week, Daniel refuted the idea that he, Rupert and Emma Watson, who plays Hermione, were best friends who always hang out together.

He said: "I'm just going to put out there, Emma and I text all the time but Rupert and I never text each other, we never see each other. If I see him every six months or so, it's a friendly 'hello, how's things with you?' but that's about it."

Fans in Japan won't be happy about this. Daniel revealed on Saturday's The Jonathan Ross Show that he experienced a Beatles-mania type reception from his dedicated following in the country with one young female fan fainting when he brushed past her at a publicity event.



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