David Cameron did ride Raisa, the horse loaned by the Met police to former News of the World editor Rebekah Brooks.
During a press conference at the EU summit, Cameron was forced to answer questions on the now controversial horse.
"A confusing picture has emerged", he told journalists. "I'm very sorry about that.”
"I think my staff have had to answer a lot of questions about horses.
"I've known Charlie Brooks for over 30 years and he’s a good friend, he’s a neighbour... I haven't been riding with him since the election.
“I have not been riding with him since the election. Before the election, yes, I did go riding with him."
"He has a number of horses and, yes, one of them was this former police horse Raisa, which I did ride.
"I am very sorry to hear that Raisa is no longer with us and I think I should probably conclude by saying I don't think I will be getting back into the saddle any time soon."
Cameron, who went to Eton with Brooks' husband Charlie, initially denied that he had rode ex-police horse Raisa, saying "since I have been PM I think I have been on a horse once and it wasn't that one."
However a Downing Street spokesman said last night that Cameron had 'probably' ridden Rebekah Brooks' horse
(This picture may have been PhotoShopped)