Amazing 3D-Printed Guitars From New Zealand: PHOTOS

Amazing 3D-Printed Guitars From New Zealand: PHOTOS

The guitars released by ODD, the company run by New Zealander Olaf Diegel, feature forms that couldn't be made with conventional methods, including a web-like construction, in-built spiders and hollow but sturdy rococo designs.

Diegel describes himself as "a long-standing design engineer with a passion for 3D printing" and is professor of mechtronics and Massey University in Auckland, New Zealand.

The engineer has also created a wearable gear cog ring, instructions for which can be downloaded from his website.

If that's not enough 3D printing for you, Diegel also has an omni-directional wheeled robot design that he's happy to share.

Diegel's designs and downloadable instructions are available on his web website, ODD, which has the tag line "strange stuff you just want." And don't we just?



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