Viewers In Uproar After BBC Cancels 'Play School'

Viewers In Uproar After BBC Cancels 'Play School'

The BBC faced a virulent Twitter backlash today as thousands of people wrongly believed that Play Schoolwas about to be axed - despite it not being on the air since 1988.

"OMG! This is the worst news since they took The Adventure Game off the air last week!!" complained @misinformed.

"I can't believe the BBC is cancelling every single one of its children's programmes," tweeted @sorrywhatsmynameagain. "Did Fred Harris die in vain?"

"Just turned on my television to see that Play School is no longer on the air," added @mayoroflondon. "Typical move by the leftist, statist BBC."

Brian Cant, Johnny Ball and two wooden spoons dressed in clothes were unavailable for comment. The day is Wednesday.


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