Mass Effect 3 Ending: Gamers Divided Over New Conclusion To Epic RPG

Surprise: Gamers Divided Over New Mass Effect 3 Ending

A new ending to the controversial role-playing game Mass Effect 3 has apparently served only to further divide fans of the series.

A poll by CVG said that 44% of more than 1,400 respondents were not satisfied by the ending.

Only 38% said they enjoyed the conclusion, while 18% said the original was good enough.

On its release in March ME3 won plaudits in part because it allowed users to carry-over saved games from the first two titles in the series - meaning they could follow one character over the entire three-game epic.

But after the original ending to ME3, (spoilers) fans complained that all of their work building and customising their character decided little more than what colour the final explosion would be.

A massive outcry followed, in which the Retake Mass Effect campaign raised £51,000 for charity, in an attempt to display their anger.

Even after the donation page was shut down, because many giving money believed it was to pay for a new ending not to benefit the Child's Play charity, developers Bioware relented.

The games company put together the new ending as an 'Extended Cut', available for free to people who bought the original game - but warned even then it would not satisfy everyone.

Bioware producer Casey Hudson said the company never intended to imply the entire galaxy was destroyed no matter what a player decided to do.

"In some cases, people feared the worst - that no matter what your decisions you make, the entire galaxy is destroyed, everyone starves to death and so on, which of course, wasn't our intention," he said in a YouTube interview.


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