'The Best Things About Being Blind' By Blind Film Critic Tommy Edison (VIDEO)

WATCH: Over A Dozen Seriously Great Things About Being Blind

The internet's favourite blind film critic, Tommy Edison, along with his director and editor Ben Churchill, have been creating video reviews for movies for a good couple of years now - but his latest, entirely film-unrelated clip is one of his very best.

Explaining that being blind isn't all bad, Mr. Edison guides us through the genuine good bits about being born without sight - "Every woman I have ever been with is a 10" - over the course of 90 seconds or so.

Not only is it genuinely heartwarming, but it also serves as a reminder of what we should appreciate more in our lives - his comment about hearing people and listening to them properly stands out as the sweetest and most revelatory, for instance.

And for more of Tommy's life and times, check out this video gallery of some of his most popular clips below, including trips to the baseball practice cage and the golf driving range...


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