Twitter's @KimKierkegaardashian Mixes The Musings Of Kim Kardashian And Søren Kierkegaard

What Do You Get When You Mix Kardashian With Kierkegaard? This

What do you get when you cross the deep thoughts of a great philosophical figure with the slightly less deep thoughts of someone with a great figure? Why, Kim Kierkegaardashian, of course.

Yes, welcome to the world of our new favourite Twitter account.

@KimKierkegaardashian mashes up the philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard with the tweets of Kim Kardashian - and the result is, of course, hilarious.

"The unhappy person is one for whom the content of life lies outside the self. Can't wait to go to Miami this weekend!" reads one. "I have majorly fallen off my workout-eating plan! AND it’s summer! But to despair over sin is to sink deeper into it." reads another. And so on - as you can see from just a selection of our favourites so far, below.

Kim Kierkegaardashian, we salute you. Whilst simultaneously crossing our fingers that Katherine Hegel is next...


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