Aurora Batman Shooting: Baby Born To Critically Injured Dark Knight Rises Attack Victim Caleb Medley (PICTURES)

Ray Of Hope: Baby Born To Critically Injured Aurora Shooting Victim (PICTURES)

A woman whose husband was critically injured in the Aurora shooting last week has given birth to the couple’s first baby.

Katie Medley, 21, was with husband Caleb Medley, 23, when a masked gunman strode into a Colorado cinema and began firing during a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises.

Mr Medley was shot in the head, while his heavily-pregnant wife escaped injury.

Baby Hugo was born in the same hospital where his father lies in a coma

On Tuesday, Mrs Medley gave birth to baby Hugo at University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora, the same hospital where his father remains unconscious.

Mr Medley is in a medically-induced coma but his brother, Seth, told the Telegraph he had responded to the presence of the child by “moving his hand toward the baby, trying to feel his son.”

Katie Medley with her newborn son

Sporting dyed orange hair, he appeared somewhat dazed, occasionally nodding his head and rolling his eyes. He is expected to face at least 12 charges of first degree murder.

No bail was granted and formal charges will be filed against him on Monday.

James Holmes appeared in court on Monday suspected of murdering 12 people

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