How Dirty Are You? Quarter Of Brits Sleep In Soiled Bed Sheets (PICTURES)

How Dirty Are You In Bed?

Crumbs, pet hair and stained sheets – over half of Brits admit to sleeping in soiled and cluttered beds, a recent study has discovered.

The research by Crampex, polled 3,000 Brits and found that 26% sleep in dirty bed sheets that are washed only once a month or less.

How dirty are you in bed?

A further 13% sheepishly confessed to sleeping on dribble stained pillows, with sweaty marks (7%) and unidentified stains (8%).

A tenth of women admit to sleeping in make-up and fake tan-stained bed sheets and 11% of men happily share their bed with their dog.

And it’s not just our hygiene that is lacking when the lights go off, but our inability to completely switch off, the study also discovered.

A whopping 70% of Brits head to bed with their mobile phones, laptops and e-books in tow, and 33% admit that the last thing they do before they fall asleep is check their phone for emails and social network updates.

With habits like these, it’s no surprise that only 35% of Brits manage to get the recommended eight hours a night of sleep, says sleep expert, Dr Neil Stanley.

“Not only are these habits affecting our quality of sleep, dirty beds can be a breeding ground for nasty germs and even bed bugs,” Dr Stanley told HuffPost Lifestyle.

“People are living increasingly cluttered lifestyles and often forget that their beds and bedrooms should be a place of sanctuary, cleanliness and relaxation. Too many of us fall into bed without the time to wind down or prepare, and as a result our beds and bedtime routines are messy, hectic and not conducive to a good night’s sleep.

“Trying to unwind at the end of the day can be difficult when you feel pressure to do chores in the home, cook dinner, exercise or catch up with loved ones.

"However, it is essential to tackle poor sleep, as the resulting emotional or health problems can be very detrimental to everyday life, making it hard to cope and stay positive.”

Discover how you can be good in bed (we're talking about sleep, of course!)
