Does the thought of trawling the food aisles bring you out in a cold sweat? Do you dream of having everything you need condensed into one single aisle?
A New York supermarket has come up with a solution for men who despise the weekly shop – their very own ‘man aisle’.
From condoms and beers to steak sauce – Westside Market in NYC aims to take the stress out of arduous trips down the shopping aisle by stocking the ‘man essentials’ all in one convenient location.
“It’s your essentials,” Ian Joskowitz, from Westside Market NYC, told the New York Post.
“It’s your water, alcohol, soaps, shampoos, deodorants, razors. “If you’re going to have some guys over to watch a game, you can pretty much stand here — not move two feet — and get your beer, barbecue sauce, chips, whatever. It’s all right here!”
So pretty much all a man needs right?
"Get ready to stock up your man cave!" adds Joskowitz.
One shopper summed up the 'Brocery' man aisle in a few words.
"We have milk for our muscles, Doritos for our dinner, Milky Way's for dessert and condoms in case a miracle happens and we get lucky on our date. What more do you need?"
The supermarket was inspired to create this aisle after learning that more men are holding the reins of the shopping trolley than ever before.
"We're seeing more men doing grocery shopping and more young dads cooking with their kids as a way to bond with them at home," Phil Lempert, a supermarket consultant, told the Chicago Tribune.
"It's very different from the whole metrosexual phenomenon of six, seven, eight years ago, but a much more down-to-earth (approach), not trying to show off, but trying to be part of the family."
However, this isn’t the first time the idea of a ‘man aisle’ has been explored.
According to the Chicago Tribune, Procter & Gamble Co. began testing the man-only supermarket section in 2009 and had planned to roll them out in big grocery stores like Wal-Mart, Target and Walgreens this year.
"Many men were terribly uncomfortable with the shopping experience," P&G spokesman Damon Jones told the paper. "Our intent in creating guy aisles was to give them an experience that was comfortable for them and made it easier to navigate the store."
Would you try it?
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