Giant Vaginas Descend On Republican National Convention In Tampa (PICTURES, VIDEO)

PHOTOS: 'Giant Vaginas' Descend On Republican Convention

Now a 'swathe' of vaginas has descended on the Republican National Convention being held in Tampa, Florida.

Why? It's not just about Brown. According to activists Code Pink, after a slew of abortion crackdowns and ignorant comments about "legitimate" rape, it's time for vaginas to "talk."

"They need to talk about the way women's rights are threatened worldwide--from anti-choice legislation to inappropriate rape jokes to economic inequality to war and occupation overseas that disproportionately affect women’s lives," they write on their website.

Code Pink have collaborated with Eve Ensler, author of the Vagina Monologues, to - in their words "demand an end to the GOP war on women."

“As a young woman, I am appalled at the right-wing attacks on my body and the censorship on body parts that should be respected and protected. If they can’t say the word ‘vagina’ then they shouldn’t legislate it,” said 29 year old Rae Abileah, co-director of Code Pink.

See a video of what happened when activists dressed in home-made vagina costumes turned up to the RNC.


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