Reshuffle: Cheryl Gillan Tweets She Is Leaving Post In First Ever Twitter Reshuffle

Breaking The News: The First Ever Twitter Reshuffle?

Cheryl Gillan gave her first hint that something was amiss on Twitter.

On Monday night, as David Cameron's cabinet reshuffle got underway, she changed her Twitter profile - removing a reference to her being Welsh Secretary.

Gillan finally confirmed she was leaving the cabinet in a Tweet on Tuesday morning, saying it had been a "privilege" to serve in the Cabinet.

Now you see it: Gillan's Twitter profile gave the first hint she was leaving the Cabinet

It's just one story in what many have pointed it first ever government reshuffle in the Twitter era - with the last being Gordon Brown's in 2009, before the whole of Wesminster hopped on the micro-blogging site.

While former ministers have taken to Twitter to announce their demotions, Twitter has taken to the reshuffle with the topic trending highly on the site on Tuesday morning.

Cheryl Gillan confirmed she is leaving the cabinet in a tweet

Cryptic: Is Welsh minister David Jones hinting at something with this tweet?

Baroness Warsi, who was sacked from her role as minister without portfolio, also confirmed The Huffington Post UK's scoop about her departure online, tweeting that she was no longer the Conservative Party's Chairman.

Number 10 has even got in on the act, tweeting out ministerial appointments on Tuesday morning.

But, as Chris Bryant says, this is not the first time a reshuffled appointment has been announced online. He tweeted on Tuesday: " I inadvertently announced becoming Europe minister on Twitter."

For the latest from the reshuffle, see our liveblog:


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