Filipino Students Hold Naked Protest In Manila Against Innocence Of Muslim Film (PICTURES, VIDEO)

Students Hold Naked Protest Against Anti-Muslim Film

Filipino students have waded into the protests against anti-muslim film Innocence of Muslims - naked.

The students were caught on camera wearing nothing but yellow balaclavas as they strutted their stuff around their university in Manila, Philippines on Monday.

The group of 25 male students held a 'naked protest' inside the Polytechnic University of the Philippines to condemn the anti-Islam film which has sparked violent protests in several countries.

They covered only their faces as they ran inside the Manila PUP campus to join calls on the government to take steps to block the amateur film 'Innocence of Muslims' on the internet.

Marley Cabase, head of the Alpha Phi Omega fraternity which organised the protest, said: "We condemn this film that insults Islam and urge everyone to respect all religions."

"We support the right of every individual to practice their religion."

The country's Supreme Courtordered the government's movie and television board to ban the public showing of the film last week, but the directive does not cover the internet where the movie is still available.

Filipino students are no stranger to staging bare-cheeked protests, as this video from 2009 shows:


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