Shocking Advert Reveals Hidden Content Of Sugar, Salt And Fat In Unhealthy Food (PICTURES)

Shocking Advert Reveals Hidden Content Of Foods

An advert exposes the 'hidden nasties' in everyday foods launched on Monday to educate people to become 'food smart'.

The graphic Change4Life advert reveals a shocking 17 sugar cubes in a bottle of cola and more than a wine glass of fat in a large pizza.

The campaign comes after a survey revealed the nation's lack of knowledge about the food they eat. Two thousand adults took part in the Food IQ quiz with over three quarters of them scoring 50% and under.

The advert shocks three characters with the amount of fat in one pizza

"England has one of the highest rates of obesity in Europe with over 60% of adults and a third of 10 and 11 year olds overweight or obese," said public health minister, Anna Soubry.

"We want to make it easy for everyone to keep track of what they eat and make healthier choices. That is why we are also developing a simple and clear system for front of pack labelling that everyone can use.”

Obesity costs the NHS £5 billion each year with 40,000 people dying of conditions attributable to being overweight or obese. And the latest figures show that the number of children who are overweight or obese doubles during primary school.

The adverts are made by Aardman, the creators of Wallace and Gromit

The Change4Life adverts have joined forces with a range of food manufacturers and ITV to host the first ever health-focussed ad break.

The ‘ad takeover’, which will air on 7 January during prime-time, marks the launch of a new year healthy eating drive and will feature ads from Asda, Quorn, Uncle Ben’s, the Co-Operative Food and Cravendale.

The unique ad slot is the centrepiece of the campaign that encourages the public to think about the 'hidden nasties' in everyday foods so they can better manage the amount of salt, fat and sugar in their diets.

The campaign also includes a range of healthy eating tools and information from recipes to money-off vouchers.

Find out more about the campaign here
