Wonky Recovers! Abandoned Puppy Is Back On Her Feet Thanks To Physio & Love (VIDEO, PICTURES)

Well Done Wonky! Abandoned Puppy With Crooked Legs Is Back On Her Feet (PICTURES, VIDEO)

A puppy has had her crooked legs straightened out after a regime of physiotherapy and love.

Born with two underdeveloped legs and suffering from an extreme case of knuckling of the carpal joints, the little hound’s front feet were bent almost completely inwards.

Wonky - sorry, Juliette - bounds around happily at the Dogs Trust centre in Leeds

But two weeks on, Wonky is making a remarkable recovery thanks to staff at the Dogs Trust in Leeds.

Vet John Wannop said: “The long term prognosis for her I think is very good. She will need to be kept under review until we see how she goes but so far so good with this and we are very pleased with her progress.”

Staff were concerned there would be difficulty rehoming the puppy because of her appearance

Perhaps befitting her new lease of life, he added that Wonky has since been renamed Juliette. (We prefer Wonky...is that OK?!)

And as for concerns that the little dog’s "untraditional" appearance was hampering efforts to rehome her – fear not. Staff are currently sorting through 600 applications to take her in.

Well done Wonky!



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