It's been a week of mourning in Venezula after the death of president Hugo Chavez on Tuesday.
From describing then-President George W Bush as a "sulphur-smelling devil" to branding former British PM Tony Blair an "imperialist pawn", the stridently outspoken president was famous for shooting from the hip.

The outspoken leader lost his battle with cancer
It wasn't a good week for those embroiled in the bitterVicky Pryce/Chris Huhne saga either. The wife of the disgraced former Lib Dem MP was open-mouthed in shock as the jury announced their unanimous guilty verdict.

The 60-year-old economist is facing jail
Former energy secretary Huhne pleaded guilty last month to perverting the course of justice by passing his points to Pryce in 2003, ending his political career. Both now face the prospect of jail sentences.
Canadian pop tot Bieber also dominated headlines for much of this week, the hysteria of Beliebers bemusing newsreaders nation-wide. The 'Baby' star was fined after being two hours late for his O2 show on Monday night provoking outrage from fans' parents, but later there was sympathy for the singer as he collapsed on stage.

Is Bieber losing it?
There was plenty of other news too, so see if you were paying attention, and try your hand at HuffPost UK's news quiz. Can you BEAT THE WEEK? Leave your score in the comments below. 100% and we'll give you a shout out on Twitter!