I Fucking Love Science Founder, Elise Andrew, Joins Twitter, Gets 'Sexist' Comments

'F*ck Me! This Is A Babe?!!'

The founder of the 'I F**king Love Science' Facebook page has attracted a number of controversial comments after people realised she was female when she joined Twitter.

Elise Andrew's Facebook page posts fascinating memes and photos and currently has over 4.2m fans.

She recently joined Twitter and was met by a comments expressing user's surprise that she was female.

Others included "F*ck me! This is a babe ?!!" and"holy hell, youre a HOTTIE!", reports the Guardian.

Andrew was clearly taken aback that her gender had become a topic of conversation rather than the science she promotes.

Laura Bates, founder of the Everyday Sexism Project said: "It's just yet another example of ingrained sexism in our society - that in 2013 it should be such an enormous shock to some people that a woman could be behind a popular science page is telling and frustrating.

"It just shows how very far we have still to go. Is it any wonder, whilst around 50% of chemistry undergraduates are now female, that they make up only 6% of professors? Or that our Royal Society has never had a female president and only 6% of the fellowship are women?

Some Twitter users tried to frame the comments as compliments rather than sexism.

Bates said: This particular incident might seem like a minor matter to some, but it reveals much deeper prejudice about women and the kinds of jobs and activities they are still 'expected' to do.

She added: "These ingrained, normalised forms of sexism work in pervasive ways - they shape little girls' aspirations and ambitions from a young age, might cause them to experience at best surprise and at worst bullying for choosing science subjects as they get older, and finally can cause underlying prejudice that impacts negatively on their chances at job selection."


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