BlackBerry Relaunch Stutters As Founder Mike Lazarides Quits And BB10 Sales Disappoint

BlackBerry Founder Quits Amid Latest Dreadful Sales Results

BlackBerry might have changed its name - but it hasn't changed its fortunes.

According to its latest set of financial results the company formerly known as RIM sold about a million of its new Z10 phones in the last three months - but lost more than three million customers.

The company lost 33,000 customers every day over the last three months, according to the Q4 figures.

While it posted a small profit of $94 million from $2.7 billion revenue, the take-up for its new phones running BB10 was less than stellar. About a million Z10s were shipped, while it also sold five million of its older smartphones.

The company is pinning all of its hopes for future growth on the new OS, but the dip from 79 million to 76 million customers will not inspire confidence in investors.

But others have noted that the quarter ended on 2 March - before the US and Canadian launch of BB10.

Meanwhile BlackBerry co-founder Mike Lazaridis has announced he will leave the company to run an investment fund.

He said in a statement:

"With the launch of BlackBerry 10, I believe I have fulfilled my commitment to the Board. Thorsten and his team did an excellent job in completing BlackBerry 10. We have a great deal of which to be proud. I believe I am leaving the company in good hands. I remain a huge fan of BlackBerry and, of course, wish the company and its people well."


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