Angry Ex-Husband Hangs 'You're Getting F*** All Sign' Outside House In Leicestershire

'You're Getting F*** All'

An angry divorcee in Coalville, Leicester, has hung up a sign outside his house aimed at his ex-wife following what appears to be an acrimonious split.

The sign is said to have been up for two weeks

The sign, which reads 'Your getting f*** all' (sic), was plastered across the house to inspire other men going through a divorce, the Daily Star reported.

A neighbour told the Daily MailOnline the man was "a little bit upset".

"I've never seen anything like it before. I think he wants to get his message across in a big way. It is quite eye-catching."

Drivers have been honking their horns as they go by, the Daily Star said

The sign is said to have been up for a fortnight and has provoked reaction from passersby, with drivers honking their horns as they go by.


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