Hello readers and welcome to our live blog, brought to you as part of our HuffPost Conversation Starters series: What Does Feminism Mean To Me?
Tonight HuffPost UK Editor-in-Chief Carla Buzasi hosts a discussion around modern day feminism at Cambridge University, featuring a panel including Claire Perry MP, Julia Simpson, chief of staff International Airlines Group and Lucy-Anne Holmes, founder of No More Page 3 campaign.
Lucy Sherriff, Students reporter and Brogan Driscoll, Lifestyle reporter, will be live blogging the juicy bits from tonight’s panel discussion and tweeting from @HuffPostUK using the hashtag #HPFem. You can also find us on @HPUKStudents and @HuffPoLifestyle.
Billions of people call themselves a feminist, however there is still much stigma attached to the term.
In a world where more women have the right to vote and there are more female business leaders than ever before, but pay discrepancies still exist, and inequalities abound, what does feminism mean to you?
Lucy-Anne Holmes, founder of NoMorePage3, will be taking part in our HuffPost Conversation Starters panel on feminism, which is being held at Wilderness Festival.
The Huffington Post UK are proud media partners of Wilderness Festival. Check back here for more exclusive blogs, competitions and stories soon. For tickets to the event click here: www.wildernessfestival.com