'Doctor Who' Anniversary Will See Matt Smith Tom Baker, Colin Baker And Sylvester McCoy Unite

'Doctor Who' Anniversary Will Be A Meeting Of Timelords

Matt Smith and three other stars who have taken the lead role in Doctor Who will be guests at a celebration for the show's 50th anniversary.

Fans from around the world are predicted to descend on London in late November for the event to be held over three days at the ExCel centre.

It will feature a special effects show created by one of the programme team, as well as a stunt workshop, classes to learn to walk like a monster and a panel discussions with past stars.

Along with Matt - who bows out from his role as the Doctor later this year - the event will feature actors Tom Baker, Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy, who have played the character's fourth, sixth and seventh incarnations respectively.

An anniversary TV special is to be screened on BBC One later this year, which is expected to reunite a number of the Doctor's past incarnations.

Matt said of the Doctor Who Celebration event on November 23, 24 and 25: "The event this year will be an extra special occasion for me - I'm truly looking forward to a huge celebration with the fans in the lead up to the 50th anniversary episode."

Tickets go on sale on Monday at 11am with further details at celebration.doctorwho.tv.


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