The Prince of Wales has spoken of how the "brutal" death of Fusilier Lee Rigby has affected the morale of the Armed Forces.
Charles said the killing of Fusilier Rigby on the streets of south-east London in May has taken its "toll" on troops, but proved their ability to overcome adversity.
He made the comments in the launch of The Sun newspaper's annual Military Awards.
Writing in the newspaper, he said: "The challenges our Armed Forces face are not confined to physical and psychological injuries sustained on the battlefield.
"The effect on morale of long and enduring campaigns that separate troops from their loved ones again and again, of redundancy programmes that are reshaping our Armed Forces and even the threat to our off-duty troops in the perceived sanctity of their homeland - as seen with the brutal death of Fusilier Rigby - all take their toll.
"Over the last few years, every soldier, sailor, airman and woman has demonstrated beyond all doubt they can stand firm against any adversity."
Fusilier Rigby, a father-of-one and drummer in the 2nd Battalion Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (2RRF), was hacked to death as he returned to Woolwich barracks from the Tower of London on May 22.
The horrific killing led to nationwide shock and revulsion and led to an outpouring of support for his family from the public.
The Prince said he is "convinced" that the public all have a role to play in helping "those who have suffered as a result of their service", ranging from donations and fundraising through to visual support such as t-shirts and car stickers.
Talking about the risks that every armed force member face, he said: "I know very well how much worry this danger creates for families and loved one, as my own son Harry served in Afghanistan over the winter."
Charles, who himself served in the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, added that the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan will continue to be a "very tricky operation" and that troops remain "exposed to every conceivable danger".