Obese Photographer Jen Davis Says Self-Portraits Prompted Her To Have Surgery And Lose 110lbs

Obese Photographer's Self-Potraits Inspired Her To Lose 110lbs

For 10 years, photographer Jen Davis turned the camera on herself exploring - as a self-proclaimed obese woman - the impact that weight and body image has had, and continues to have, on her life.

More than a decade later, while looking at her multiple series of self-portraits she found the answer she had been searching for all along: she needed to lose weight.

In 2011 she had lap-band surgery and, after dramatically changing her lifestyle, has lost 110lbs in just two years.

“I was really freaked out by my body. I realised I had never know what it feels like to be anonymous, and I came to the conclusion I wanted to know what it feels like to live.”

Although her portraits are intimate and emotionally-charged, according to ABC news Jen held back in real-life in hope of protecting herself against others.

She also reveals that she "shocked" by the positive response to her photographs.

“I’ve received great support from people who understand my voice, from people who have struggled with weight or body image,” she said. “It’s great to have people be honest with me like I am honest with my camera.”

What do you think of Jen's photographs? Let us know in the comments below.
