Two love rivals in Kenya have agreed to marry the same woman after the pair claimed they could not live without her.
According to local press, Sylvester Mwendwa and Elijah Kimani agreed to the wife-sharing deal, which includes a clause to say they will never fight over her.
The Daily Nation said the two men came to the agreement after realising they had both been having an affair with the same woman, who has asked to remain anonymous, for four years.
The paper quoted community policing officer Adhalah Abdulrahman, who said he came to know the pair during a fight.
"I was surprised to see two men fighting over a woman who is said to be a widow and a mother of twins. I tried solving the issue but they refused, each insisting he could not live without the woman," he was quoted as saying.
"I talked to both of them and they claim they love her equally and cannot live without her. I asked the woman to choose but she refused, saying 'I cannot lose either of them, I love them both'", he added.
The agreement gives the two men a rota for staying in the woman's house, and says they will both raise any children she bears.
Polygamy is legal in Kenya, however lawyers have said their marriage could only be valid if they could prove polyandry is part of their custom, In2EastAfrica reported.
However not everyone is happy about the arrangement, with some locals describing the action as "uncouth, untraditional, unbiblical and against the Koran.
"Why on earth would a woman be shared by two men? They should be taken to court and punished," Mr Tumaini Juma, a Kisauni resident, told the Daily Nation.