North Korea Photoshop Fail? Kim Jong-Un Appears Superimposed On Hospital Visit Picture

North Korea Is Still Crap At Photoshop (PICTURE)

North Korea has chalked up what appears to be yet another spectacular Photoshop fail.

A snap, released by Pyongyang’s official news agency KCNA purports to show Kim Jong-Un and a handful of underlings touring an under-construction children’s hospital.

Kotaku points out Jong-Un’s “fuzziness” and “floaty feet”, both of which contribute to suspicions the figures have been superimposed.

The image was released by the country's state media via Chinese website NetEase

If the image has indeed been doctored, it begs the question – why did such an innocuous event have to be staged in the first place?

It comes on the back of an earlier gaffe, which apparently depicted hovercraft at a beach on the country’s east coast and marines during a training exercise on 25 March (below).

News agency AFP responded by pulling the photo, "due to evidence of tampering," according to the Atlantic.


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