Brits Have Been Revealed As The Worst In Europe For Unhealthy Snacking - So What Should You Be Eating?

What Do We Do More Unhealthily Than The Rest Of Europe?
Melissa Ross via Getty Images

We Brits have been revealed as being the worst in Europe for unhealthy snacking, with 41% of us filling up on crisps, cookies, cake or chocolate.

We do this more often than the other nine nations in a survey by Fruyo, which looked at 4,000 people from the UK, Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, France, Germany, Holland, Spain and Greece.

Only 15% of us snack healthily - in comparison to Spain, at 27%, and Greece at 25%.

While we may not snack as often as some countries - Brits were found to snack twice a day - our unhealthy choices add up. Over a third (39%) of us admit to consuming more calories each day through snacking than we do at meal times.

There is also a subset of secret snackers - around 8% of us do so in secret (although we swear in must be higher).

As for why we snack, rather than hunger acting as the main motivator, most of us seem to snack out of boredom (41%) while others have mentioned stress and a lack of energy.

Snacking has often been touted as the saviour to stop people from falling off their diets, but to make it work for you, it requires willpower and forward planning.

Nutritionist and food writer, Fiona Hunter, said: “These results show exactly how wrong many people in the UK are getting it when it comes to snacking. It should be a positive occasion – using well chosen products to provide important nutrients. But too many of us are instead turning to ‘grazing’, which involves grabbing something to fill up on that’s quick, easy and often unhealthy.

“When it comes to snacking, Brits need to plan ahead so that they’re not caught short in a moment of hunger and think about products which are high in protein so will keep them fuller for longer, helping to resist further temptation.”

HuffPost UK Lifestyle recently reviewed the delivery service Saviour Snacks, which can come weekly, fortnightly or monthly, and it is brilliant. All the hard work involving nutrition is already done for you, and the snacks are all natural and are packed with energy. Think popcorn, baked crisps, nuts and seeds, energy bars and our favourite - Tamari Sicilian Almonds.

There are also dairy free, vegan and skinny boxes if you're on a restrictive diet.

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Additionally, the findings showed that:

  • Scotland is shown to be the unhealthiest snacking region in the UK (with a ranking of 45%)
  • Meanwhile, London tops the healthy regional snack league table, with results of 17%
  • Poland is the mecca of snacking. On a general level, its inhabitants eat more snacks – an average of 2.2 a day – with the people of France the most snack-averse at an average of just 1.4.
  • The most popular time to snack in the UK is 3.04pm, potentially signalling a ‘mid afternoon slump’ and desire for something to eat.
  • However, nearly a third (32%) of Brits snack after 6pm, highlighting that these people may be choosing evening meals that don’t fill them up properly.