Samsung 8K TV Is Apparently Designed Just To Depress 4K Early-Adopters

Samsung 8K Telly Is Apparently Designed Just To Depress 4K Early-Adopters

Samsung has decided to mess with everyone still marvelling over the benefits of 4K TVs - you know, those ultra-high res displays that you've been staring at in awe for years - by producing one that's even better.

Its new concept 8K display has twice the pixels of a regular 4K TV - though it's hard to get a real sense of the benefits without an absolutely giant screen size.

In this case it's a 98-inch display, with a 7,680 x 4,320 resolution technically known as Quad Ultra HD, or QUHD.

Reports are a little mixed too - Engadget reports that "our eyes may be getting jaded as a result of all the super high-res displays we've seen lately because this one didn't have the shock value Sharp's 8K Super Hi-Vision screen garnered with its debut a couple of years ago".

But still, it's nice to know anyone who can already afford an 85-inch 4K TV is still one generation behind the curve.

Take a look below.


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