A student has released a hilarious parody of Martin Scorsese's "The Wolf of Wall Street" for his student election campaign video, which features snorting DibDabs and covering people in Euro bills.
The film, which is titled "The Wolf of UL Student's Union", was created by University of Limerick student Tommy Bolger. It
swaps Wall Street for student life, with the "wolf" beginning the trailer by saying: "“My name is Tommy Bolger. The year I turned 22 I made €8 an hour, which really pissed me off because I had to eat beans and toast for dinner four days a week.”
Bolger's trailer
Items are replaced to represent the student setting, with dollar bills becoming home made Euro bills and white powder being replaced by DibDabs sherbet.
Campaign posters show the education in materials and technology student has based almost all of his campaign on Scorcese's tale of the decadent exploits of Jordan Belfort.
The real Wolf of Wall street trailer
We think he did a pretty good job.
A similarly viral video, receiving over 30,000 views, came out in December of last year, when Loughborough University student union officers sang along to Naughty Boy's "La La La" so badly that they had to disable the comments section.