TTIP: 9 Risks Clegg And Farage Won't Tell You About The US-EU Trade Deal

Here's One Dangerous Deal Nick And Nigel Won't Mention Tonight

Nick Clegg is set to duke it out with Nigel Farage this evening over the EU's pros and cons, with the pair likely to overlook one unglamorous but major subject - the TTIP trade deal.

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which is being thrashed out between EU and US officials, promises to amount to an extra £98 billion a year to the EU and £78 billion a year to the US.

The deal is being celebrated all around by the Tories, Labour, Lib Dems and Ukip for its potential job creation and gains.

However, the trade deal has nine potentially serious issues that Farage and Clegg will be studiously avoiding tonight.


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