Gary Barlow Twitter Account Hacked With Vile Message Following Alleged Tax Avoidance Scheme Investment

Uh Oh, Now Gary's Twitter Has Been Hacked

Gary Barlow has had his official Twitter account hacked following reports that he and two other members of Take That allegedly invested in a tax avoidance scheme.

A vile message, which we are not publishing, briefly appeared on the verified account on Monday before being deleted.

Gary Barlow

Lily Allen has also taken to Twitter today to hit out at the singer, voicing her outrage at the Take That singer’s alleged tax-dodging.

Lily, who is currently suffering from food poisoning, tweeted: “I dedicate my next sick to to you lot. #taxdodging."

She added: “Can't get through to NHSDirect , no midwives in your area ? Well at least the Queen got a nice birthday party/jubilee , whatever @GaryBarlow.”

The Take That star has also faced calls from MPs to return his OBE, not a view shared by the Prime Minister.

Labour’s Margaret Hodge, chair of the Commons Public Accounts Committee, said Barlow “might want to show a bit of contrition by giving back his OBE” but David Cameron disagreed saying the singer was appointed his OBE for his charity work and the tax avoidance issue shouldn't affect that.

He told Sky News: "Gary Barlow has done a huge amount for charity, raising a huge amount for Children in Need."

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