Rihanna Offers England Tips After Uruguay 2-1 Defeat In World Cup Match, Gives Phil Neville A Run For His Money

RiRi Turns Football Pundit?

Rihanna might have a career as a football pundit to fall back on if she has a sudden change of heart about the whole ‘popstar’ thing, after live-tweeting her views on Thursday night’s England World Cup match.

The game saw Uruguay victorious in a 2-1 win against the England squad - with Wayne Rooney scoring the only goal for the Three Lions - and RiRi was online to share her views on the whole thing for anybody who fancied a bit of alternative commentary.

Rihanna, who it turns out knows more about footie than we realised

As she settled down for the match she kicked off her ‘unique’ style of footie commentary with, “ENGLAND whatchu gon do??!”, which we can only hope is going to be Phil Neville’s opening line from here on in.

Rihanna was clearly feeling pretty chuffed when Rooney scored his goal, elatedly writing…

...however her enthusiasm was cut short pretty quickly - as was the entire nation’s - when Suarez scored his second goal of the night.

With not long to go before the end of the match, England's fate was more or less sealed, which she seemed somewhat less enthused about, writing…


Surprisingly enough, RiRi actually sounded like she knew what she was talking about as she delivered her analysis on the match, writing:

So while England might be teetering on the edge of an early relegation from the 2014 World Cup, the upshot is at least now we know that Ms Bad Gal RiRi herself is basically a football expert.

Perhaps we can look forward to her cropping up on ‘Match Of The Day’ in the future. She might even lend Gary Lineker her infamous ‘naked’ dress...

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