Simon Cowell seems to have had a change of heart about the more, shall we say, off-the-wall ‘X Factor’ contestants, and is reportedly begging producers to bring in more “wacky” singers.
Auditions are currently underway for the forthcoming series of the TV talent contest, and while Simon has always been adamant that the show is first and foremost a search for talent, it sounds like this year he’s keen to showcase some weird and wonderful acts.

Simon Cowell at this year's 'X Factor' auditions
According to The Sun, so far some of the acts who’ve appeared before the panel include a pair of female Jedward-esque twins, a Myleene Klass lookalike and a Chinese woman who provided the judges with a three-course banquet while she performed for them.
A source close to the show told the newspaper: “‘The X Factor’ has always thrived on its mix of good and wacky singers. But last year it got far too serious and, in turn, ratings suffered.
“Cowell has said the fun needs to be brought back into the show - and producers have been serving up a constant stream of oddballs that viewers are going to love.”
If Simon really is hoping for some more “oddball” acts this year then it sounds like he’s already got what he wants (as if there was any chance he wouldn’t…), as he took to his Twitter page on Sunday to write:
Meanwhile, it sounds like the panel are having a ball so far. Cheryl Cole has already praised “funny” new judge Mel B, adding that she often has to hold in her laughter so the acts don't think she's laughing at them.
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