An 11-year-old girl has undergone surgery to remove a 15kg tumour from her abdomen.
Han Bingbing’s growth, later diagnosed as an ovarian teratoma, was first noticed in 2009 and has grown progressively larger ever since.
As of last month, the tumour filled nearly her whole abdomen and was gradually causing her internal organs to collapse.
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Han Bingbing is now free of the gigantic tumour
In January the little girl began experiencing difficulty walking an breathing.
Han received eight-hours of surgery at the Fuda Cancer Hospital in Guangzhou, China. Chief surgeon Li Han told Rex Features the tumour was the biggest he had ever seen.
Han had undergone six courses of chemotherapy but the teratoma continued growing. Her medical fees have been covered by donations from well-wishers.
While Han’s tumour was certainly some size, it’s small fry compared to the beast that blighted this chap’s life.
Yang Jianbin of Beijing recently had surgery to have a 110kg mass removed from his lower back.