A priest in Poland has been receiving angry text messages from the Devil. Father Marian Rajchel from Jaroslaw claims to have received several digital missives from The Prince of Darkness after performing a failed exorcism on a teenage girl.
The Austrian Times reported that the girl’s soul remains possessed by a demon, which in now firing off indignant texts to the elderly priest.
According to the Mail, Rajchel said, "The author of these texts is an evil spirit who has possessed her soul," adding: "Often the owners of mobile phones are not even aware that they are been used like this, however in this case it is clear."
Rajchel referred local news reporters to one of Satan’s texts that read: "She will not come out of this hell. She’s mine. Anyone who prays for her will die." After replying, Beelzebub responded by saying, "Shut up, preacher. You cannot save yourself. Idiot. You pathetic old preacher."
"Clearly this young girl has been possessed, and needs further help" said the priest. It is not known whether The Beast also uses WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or Twitter.
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