Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie Married: 8 Questions We Need Answered About Brangelina's Secret Wedding

8 Questions We Need Answered About Brangelina's Secret Wedding

So Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have finally gone and got married after nine years together, according to a spokesperson for the couple.

And despite years of speculation about when, where and if they were ever going to tie the knot, the most famous couple in the world still managed to do the whole thing in secret (you hear that Kim Kardashian?)

What we do know is (a) they got married, (b) it was in France (Nice, to be precise) and c) only about 0.0000000000000001% of the entire universe knew anything about it.

Which has left us pondering...

1. What did she wear? We're putting our money on it being in Ange's fave colour, black (natch). With a thigh-high split for that special wedding photo, leg bomb moment.

2. Was George Clooney the best man?

3. Did they re-enact their 'Mr And Mrs.Smith' Mondo Bongo dance scene for their first dance?

4. Did Brangelina's brood make up the cutest page boy/flower girl combo ever (not) known to mankind?

** UPDATE! Oldest sons Pax and Maddox walked them down the aisle, daughters Zahara and Vivienne threw petals and Shiloh and Knox served as ring bearers.

5. Did anyone buy them a toaster? Or a gravy boat, for that matter?

6. What did they eat? We're seeing vol-au-vents. Prawn mayo vol-au-vents. Washed down with their own brand of plonk OBVIOUSLY.

7. Will Ange 'do a Cheryl' and opt for a double-barrelled surname. We're liking the sound of Angelina Jolie-Pitt.

8. And finally, how the HELL did they manage to keep it all a secret?


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