'Ghost' Of Grey Lady Photographed For The First Time At Dudley Castle

Grey Lady 'Ghost' Photographed At Dudley Castle

A legendary ghost said to haunt the grounds of a ruined castle has been caught on camera.

Birmingham couple Dean and Amy Harper came across the image while they were sorting through pictures they had taken from their visit to Dudley Castle in the West Midlands.

One image of the Sharington Range Tudor palace, taken from the top of the castle tower, reveals a red glow in the upper rooms and a ghostly figure in the archway beneath.

Dean and Amy Harper took this picture at Dudley Castle... when they zoomed in they noticed something spooky

Dean said: “On zooming in we noticed on the bottom, inside an arch, there was a lady and what appears to be a little girl, too.

“Neither of us are ghost hunters but we do wonder if this could be the Grey Lady ghost – the picture is quite clear.”

Built in 1071, Dudley Castle is believed to be one of the most haunted castles in Britain.

The Grey Lady is widely to be the spirit of Dorothy Beaumont, a resident of the castle who gave birth to a daughter there.

Haunted Rooms writes: “Unfortunately the daughter died during birth, and various complications led to Dorothy’s death shortly after.

The Grey Lady ghost is believed to be the spirit of Dorothy Beaumont who died after losing her daughter at birth

“She is said to wander aimlessly around the castle and its grounds… because her requests on her death bed were not granted.”

Those denied requests were that she be buried alongside her daughter and that her husband attend her funeral.

Additionally the castle is supposedly haunted by a chapel undercroft by the name of Lord John Somery.

The ghost of a Civil War drummer boy is also said to patrol the grounds, the website adds.

A spokesman for the castle said: "There have been many stories about ghostly figures and happenings associated with the castle, mostly centred within the courtyard.

"This image is incredible because it was taken from the top of the castle on a mobile phone camera and still manages to pick out the outline of what seems to be a female figure in the doorway."

She added: "The archway leads directly to the Servery with the Kitchen to the left of the picture and the Buttery to the right – all areas that were the domain of men only in Tudor times."

Nick Duffy of the West Midlands Ghost Club told the Birmingham Mail: “It is a nice photograph. It is a credible photograph in comparison to a lot you do see.

“Time and again, we have been sent blatantly faked photographs.”


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