Kellie Maloney Responds As 'This Morning' Viewers Criticise Amanda Holden For Calling Her A ‘He'

Kellie Maloney Responds To Amanda's Use Of 'He'

Kellie Maloney has shared her thoughts after her appearance on ‘This Morning’ , during which Amanda Holden referred to the former ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ housemate as “he”.

Kellie was appearing on the show to discuss her recent plastic surgery nightmare when Amanda made the blunder on multiple occasions.

Kellie and her daughter Emma

On one occasion, Amanda asked Emma when she knew “his [Kellie’s] life was in danger”.

Kellie has addressed Amanda's mistake, telling Huffington Post UK that she was not upset it by it, and believes other shouldn't be either.

"It was a mistake lots of people still call me Frank," she said. "I was not upset by it. Others should grow up and get on with life."

A number of viewers took to Twitter to complain after the live interview was aired, with m,any calling for Amanda to apologise.

However, a handful of Twitter users sympathised with the presenter:

Despite the fact her recent cosmetic surgery left Kellie fighting for her life, she insisted that the bad experience hasn’t put her off more surgical procedures.

“I’ve talked with my gender nurse and she said there was no problems - my heart never stopped, there was nothing wrong with my heart,” Kellie explained. “I’m not worried [about more surgery] at all because it’s something I’ve got to have done.

“If I don’t have it done my journey will never be complete. I will never feel the real person I am.

“I don’t think I’m risking my life because I think if the doctor said to me that I couldn’t have the surgery, then I wouldn’t have it. But I’ve not been told that by the doctors.

“They don’t see any complications. And one promise I have made is that any surgery I have done now will be in this country.”

Kellie and her daughter were interviewed by Amanda and Phillip Schofield

Kellie first revealed that she had been living as a woman earlier this year, and shortly after going public as her new self, she entered the ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ house.

Since her traumatic experience, Kellie has urged people in her position to be aware of the dangers of cosmetic procedures, stating: “More advice should be given to the transgender community about the possible dangers of cosmetic surgery as they could take off abroad to have it done where it may be cheaper, but could be more dangerous.”

Watch Kellie’s full interview here.


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