Justin Bieber's Dad 'Hurled Dog, Karma, Off Second-Storey Balcony, After She Bit His Younger Son', Jaxon

Did Biebs's Dad Really Throw A Dog Off A Balcony?!

Justin Bieber’s dad angrily threw the singer’s dog off a second-storey balcony, it has been reported.


Jeremy Bieber allegedly grew so enraged when Karma, Justin’s American bulldog, bit his young son, Jaxon, that he “grabbed” the dog and “hurled” her off a balcony into a snow bank, according to the man who is now caring for her.

Dog trainer Trevor Dvernichuk told TMZ that, back in February, he was entrusted with looking after Karma following the the incident, to try and help “socialise” the dog.

Justin Bieber

However, when Trevor publicly suggested that Jeremy had “abandoned” her, he became insistent that he wanted to take the dog back into his care, and is willing to get the police involved, according to the news site.

TMZ have also said that while Trevor is “concerned about the dog’s welfare” and therefore hesitant to give her back to the Bieber family, he also wants to avoid any trouble, and so is willing to hand her over - although he may want financial compensation for having cared for the dog for such a long time.


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This latest dog-tossing controversy draws Justin’s rollercoaster 2014 to a close quite nicely.

The ‘Baby’ singer kicked off the year with an extremely high-profile arrest for drag racing and speeding in Miami, which turned out to just be the tip of the iceberg for the star.

Perhaps for 2015 he should try taking up Sudoku and ‘Downton Abbey’ marathons...


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