Plane travel can be a real pain. There's the turbulence, ear popping, seat-kickers, babies crying, awful food, health woes caused by an influx of germs and, oh yes, travel sickness.
But why does flying make you sick? The witty Julien from DNews says that planes are "the perfect cocktail for messing with your body".
This comes down to a number of things. But mainly:
:: Low oxygen levels - because the air is thinner at higher altitudes, planes pressurise the air inside the cabin (so that we don't all expire). As a result, there's not as much oxygen on board. And that, friends, is something that your body isn't quite used to.
:: You're not moving about as much - this lack of movement results in even less oxygen reaching your brain.
:: The air isn't humid - not only does this create a severe case of cotton mouth but it also causes dehydration. Combined with alcohol, this lack of humidity means you'll get drunk far more quickly. And you'll probably feel pretty pukey too.
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To stop plane sickness in its tracks, make sure that you drink plenty of water before and during the flight. Also, ensure that you stretch those legs every now and then to get some oxygen flowing to your brain.
Next time you fly, you'll know what to do.